• CoA@TTU / ARCH5604 / Sp'07 / B.T. Rex: Shopping Assignment

    Thursday, February 08, 2007

    Shopping Assignment

    Leaving all construction lines, build an isometric drawing of the retail site you are studying. Include the complete retail site- building volume(s); signage; various interior retail volumes such as "back of house", sales floor, loading areas, cash wrap (PoS), and display aisles; parking layout w/ curb cuts and islands, exterior landscaping and lighting, utility connections, perimeter screens and adjacencies, and anything else you observe about the place.

    In the drawing emphasize the primary retail space(s) by making the surroundings translucent in nature while emboldening the primary retail volume(s) with line weight and line type. Your secondary emphasis should be the other points of transfer, termination, and exchange in the commodity / consumer network. These are things like transferring from car to foot; collecting a shopping cart; or locations of commodity transfer or display.

    You can use only black and grey tones. No color. No shading or hatching.
    Use lineweight, linetype, and grayscale linetones liberally.

    Get a picture of how things work. Start drawing to investigate that picture. Build the drawing up to see how the spaces and forms relate to the events and functions. Use the drawing to collect all the facts about these relationships. Then we'll go to a larger scale and investigate how that works. We'll combine the two scales and complete the study by combining everyone's into a collection about shopping in Lubbock.

    We will complete the whole shopping study in one week, on Friday, February 16th. We have our first weekend at the flea market on February 24-25.

    Please ask questions about this assignment as comments on this post. It gives me a record of what you understand.


    Blogger Brenda said...

    for tomorrow the iso is the only thing due right? or is the loop thing (traking of shipments) due also?

    11:21 AM  
    Blogger Marti Gottsch said...

    the iso is...read the blog again...this is what is due...

    3:47 PM  

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