Schedule for the Week
Monday: Each person will present their two material models of traffic patterns (existing and proposed) and a diagram showing the proposed state. Our goal is to consolidate and edit all the proposals into a single idea about traffic in the Near South that we'll all share as we progress in this project. The first surface assignment will be delivered. It is due Friday.
Wednesday: We'll discuss your grades, your status in the absence policy (some of you are now at the maximum and will be dropped if you miss another day), and our schedule for the rest of the semester. Please bring your datebook, calendar, or whatever else you use to organize your time. *
Friday: We'll discuss Friday on Wednesday.
*Organizing and accounting for your time, as a professional does in a calendar, is equally as important as organizing and accounting for your production and considerations, as a professional does in a sketchbook. Nothing demonstrates you value your time more than if you can account for it and you've organized it. If you don't have a way to organize your work time buy a calendar or download one on line and start using it. Collecting the education you get in this class and seeing to it that you manage your time in work well are skills you should have already developed to get this far in this program. No one's ever going to let you run anything if you don't record and organize what you have to do to complete the work in a timely manner.
Wednesday: We'll discuss your grades, your status in the absence policy (some of you are now at the maximum and will be dropped if you miss another day), and our schedule for the rest of the semester. Please bring your datebook, calendar, or whatever else you use to organize your time. *
Friday: We'll discuss Friday on Wednesday.
*Organizing and accounting for your time, as a professional does in a calendar, is equally as important as organizing and accounting for your production and considerations, as a professional does in a sketchbook. Nothing demonstrates you value your time more than if you can account for it and you've organized it. If you don't have a way to organize your work time buy a calendar or download one on line and start using it. Collecting the education you get in this class and seeing to it that you manage your time in work well are skills you should have already developed to get this far in this program. No one's ever going to let you run anything if you don't record and organize what you have to do to complete the work in a timely manner.
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