• CoA@TTU / ARCH5604 / Sp'07 / B.T. Rex: Ludwig Wittgenstein

    Thursday, April 12, 2007

    Ludwig Wittgenstein

    About FACTS and the things that hold them together:

    First, please get your facts straight and out on the table. List your facts. Catalog them. Develop taxonomies of them. The facts are most often not at all profound. They're obvious to varying degrees. Many of you are not seeing the facts of your project because you are looking for something "abstract" or "conceptual" about what you are doing. Reduce your vision to less grand schemes and simply look and record the basic conditions- graphical, spatial, tectonic, or programmatic- of what you've been doing.

    Wittgenstein, in his book, Tractatus ­Logico-­Philosphicus, first presented the idea that..."language is a combination of propositions picturing the facts of which the world is composed".


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