• CoA@TTU / ARCH5604 / Sp'07 / B.T. Rex: Flickr & YouTube

    Monday, March 05, 2007

    Flickr & YouTube

    We've made up a Flickr and a YouTube account for all of us to share our image banks with each other. For both accounts the username is: ttulapulga and the password for both the accounts is: urbano.

    The naming and nomenclature of the files and folders in both is important. Try to have each file and folder start with "PkMkt_Md_Photos_887766_Bobby_05" or "ParkMarket_Made_Photos_Date_Author_FileNumber". Try to organize images wherever possible but remember your organizational skills have to understandable to our whole group.

    Flickr is for photos. I'm organizing them by date of photo. Flickr has limited space so we'll have to edit the photos we show. Anyone who wants to try to orgaqnize what we have is welcome to do so. I have not learned the nuances of Flickr yet. On the Flickr web page there is a free app you can put on your computer that allows you to batch upload rather than one by one.

    YouTube is, of course, for video. You'll each have a Playlist on this account to which you will upload your required videos by the beginning of class on Friday.


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